Saturday, September 8, 2018

XV2 Save Editor 0.8

Xenoverse 2 Save Editor 0.8

Added support for DLC 7 and update 1.10

  How to use          
  • Run XV2 Save Editor, then File > Open
  • Select DBXV2.sav
  • After making your changes, go to File > Save
  • Run the game and enjoy!
  • Edit character's:
    • Name
    • Race
    • Level and experience points
    • Attributes
    • Skill set and equipment (for each preset)
    • Current mentor and training level/exp ...
  • Set score and rank for all quests: 
    • Main Story 
    • Parallel quests
    • Mentor quests
    • Side Quests (Guru's house, Capsule Corporation, Great Saiyaman Justice Partrols, Frieza's spacship, Awakenings)
    • Advancement tests
    • Expert missions
    • Challenge quests
    • Raid quests
    • Frieza's Siege Event
  • Set locked/unlocked status for all skills. (Super attacks - Ultimate attacks - Evasive skills - Awoken skills)
  • Edit/unlock all items (Inventory)
    • Upper body, lower body, hand, feet, accessory
    • Super soul
    • Mixing items and food
    • Important objects (Dragon balls)
    • Capsules
    • QQ Bangs
  • Edit Play Data: (Edit Play Trends and Base Activity)
  • Edit Tokipedia progress
  • Import and export CACs between multiple save files
  • Edit Conton City Hero

  • Installed .NET Framework (at least version 4.5)

Next update will support Hero Colosseum cutomization

Remember always to update the tool

Please do NOT reupload this tool elsewhere under any excuse

Created by  becks7

Credits: - Eternity for xv2savdec

  Download link         
     click here to download the latest save editor


    version 0.8:
    Support for DLC 7 and update 1.10
    - The tool now decrypts automatically the save game (no need to drag and drop it)
    Ability to import and export all 8 CACs between save files (You can now exchange CACs with your friends!)
    Editing Tokipedia progress
    Editing Conton City Hero Statue
    - Major bugfixing

    version 0.7.5
    - Minor bugfixing 

    version 0.7.4
    - Fixed starting outfit bug
    - Added support for DLC 6.00/v1.09
    - Added more customizations to quest editing
    - Added auto-backup savegame functionality
    - Fixed max friendship bug
    - Other bugfixing ...

    version 0.7.1
    - Added option to edit master progress/friendship
    - Added option to edit training level and training xp
    - Bugfixing ...

    version 0.7
    - Added support for DLC 5.00/v1.08
    - Fixed training level bug
    - Fixed QQ bangs sorting list
    - Fixed ultimate finish conditions when clearing PQ
    - Other bugfixing ...

    version 0.6.5
    - Fixed current clothing removal bug 
    - Added option to edit Play Data

    version 0.6.1
    - Added option to edit current mentor - Fixed Distorted Eggs issue

    version 0.6
    - Added option to set Experience points based on level - Added option to edit Experience points - bugfixing

    version 0.5.5
    - Fixed skills unlocking bug
    - Added support for Added/Extra skills (including x2m)
    - Fixed "all cleared" bug for quests

    - bugfixing

    version 0.5.1
    - Fixed capsules, mixing items and food issue
    - Fixed presets sorting issue

    version 0.5.
    - First public version
    #XV2 Save Editor 0.8


      1. Having to go through TWO URL shorteners is beyond scummy, dude. You get the "download session expired" error every time because of this crap. (and i've tried it on several browsers with and without adblock) Please reconsider where you upload your files, because it's not working right now.

      2. I, too, have been unable to download this. Absolutely useless.

      3. Hello friend, thank you very much for updating the mod, but I get this error when wanting to open my game :(

        PS: It seems that you have an error, when trying to choose the file, only allows the ".sav"
        does not allow the ".sav.dec"

        This link is for you to see the screenshot of my error

        1. The save editor doesnt recognize sav path with spaces. Move your sav file to another location (for example C:/), start the editor and open the moved file.

      4. download link doesn't work

      5. So, if comments about reuploading by others get deleted, understandable it was stated to not do that, can we get a working one on the blockpost here?

      6. Cannot download. any advice?

      7. My conton city hero got messed up after using the tool. Basically the statue has no clothes and the face and hair I choose for him in Xenoverse 1 also changed to another one.

        1. How did you mangae to dl the editor? Always says that the download session ist experid for me at the site.

      8. Gonna put up a version that can actually be downloaded or what?

      9. So why do I need an internet connection to run the program?

      10. For those having trouble with the "download session expired" thing, going througth a russian vpn actually let me dl the file. Dunno if it was a coincidence or an actual fix.

      11. can you work to edit hero colosseum

      12. I have troubles changing some things inside the game, for example the faction in the Frieza Spaceship, QQ's bangs, etc.

        Does this update only work with 1.10, not 1.10v2?
        Or is it that i can't edit when the game has a mod installed (which aren't big gameplay changing mods: just a Super Soul and some clothes)

        Btw, when i installed the 1.10v2 (not the 1.10), an error popped up when trying to open up the .sav file that said "Save path must not contain any spaces" even though the file says DBXV2.sav

        If someone can answer this, i'd be really thankful

        1. Dunno about mod/update ver. stuff, but it works fine with my steam version.
          about the save path: it can't have foulder with spaces in it, e.g. the "XV2 Save Editor" folder may cause this, just delete the spaces.

        2. I'm gonna upload the images, so you can understand better (the thing that you said about delete the spaces didn't work)

          The error itself:

          The game path (and savegame folder with update 1.10v2):

          Hope it gives you some ideas, because i ran out

        3. You deleted the spaces in the .exe of the editor, you need to delete the spaces of every folder that is in the save files path. That would be: DRAGONBALL XENOVERSE 2 -> DRAGONBALLXENOVERSE2.
          Or just copy it to the root folder, no spaces there.

      13. i need help it says that i cant run the save when it has a space so i moved it to a place without a space than it freezes when i open the save editor... i think the best way to fix this problem is to just revert it back to having to decrypt the save than open that decrypted save on the editor. also please remove the no spaces in the name thing it doesnt help out. thank you for all your help becks7.

      14. Is the Link still dead?

      15. is there any way to download the file pls ?

      16. Why I can't use it without internet connection?

      17. This comment has been removed by the author.

      18. Eu usei esse save editor, e consegui fazer o que eu quero , porém existe um problema, ao usar o save editor, ele muda o herói do DBX1 que é importado do game anterior, tem como utilizá-lo sem que ele mude o herói? Porque eu tava muito interessado em usar o save editor, mas se o preço a se pagar é modificar o herói do DBX1, então eu não vou usar. Meu patrulheiro do tempo atual no DBX2 alias, é um saiyajin macho, e quando uso o save editor, ele modifica as cores da armadura, eu não queria modificar absolutamente nada além do que eu modificar manualmente, mas se tivesse como ao menos não mudar pelo menos o herói do DBX1, eu já ficaria satisfeito.

        1. Pode mandar a localização do teu save? Não consegui achar o meu de jeito nenhum

      19. i got the download fine. however

        1. the file gets corrupted after use

        2. Não entendi! Eu queria que o Save Editor não mudasse o herói do DBXV1, quando eu uso ele, ele altera o herói pra um outro que não é o meu que importei do DBXV1.

      20. Hola no funciona sin internet podrian subir uno que no nesesite internet

      21. When I tried using the editor, all my previously uninstalled mods were overwritten/went away. is this normal or is there a way to work around this?

      22. So I used the editor. With a couple annoyances like some mentioned above (no space in save file, changes not being saved properly), I managed to get it to work. However, now it's constantly telling me I need internet connection/expired version whenever i try to open the save.

        Image 1 :

        Image 2 :

      23. I did not understand! I want the Save Editor not to change the hero of DBXV1, when I use it, it changes the hero to another one that is not mine that I imported from DBXV1, how?

      24. hey when I download it from xenoversemods iot tells me its an old version and dont let me use it (when is the 0.8) and when I try donwload it from here it tells me download expired

      25. the save editor he say no internet connection but the internet is here

        1. Redownloaded the save editor. It works fine now.

      26. internet connection but i have a internet connection and the latest version downloaded from here, today.

      27. Please I need help I cant download the tool it says that the download expired

      28. Do you have anywhere where we can see how is the progress of the tool?(The update that will support Hero Colosseum)

      29. I recently worked but now does not apply the changes I make in the editor

      30. Hey it is great, but when comes the new update for the herocolusseum ?

      31. when comes the new update for the herocolusseum ?

      32. This editor is awesome! great job, and same question...when you have news for Hero Colosseum?

      33. Can I use this on ps4

      34. when the updated? i need some total EXP on my figures and to Level UP on the hero Colosseum

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      36. Консоли от корпорации Microsoft не сразу завоевали всемирную популярность и доверие игроков. Первая консоль под названием Xbox, вышедшая в далеком 2001 году, существенно уступала PlayStation 2 по количеству проданных приставок. Однако все поменялось с выходом Xbox 360 - консоли седьмого поколения, которая стала по-настоящему "народной" для жителей Рф и стран СНГ - Веб-сайт Ru-Xbox.Ru является популярным ресурсом среди поклонников приставки, поскольку он предлагает игры для Xbox 360, которые поддерживают все имеющиеся версии прошивок - совершенно бесплатно! Зачем играть на оригинальном железе, в случае если есть эмуляторы? Для Xbox 360 игры выходили длительное время и находятся как посредственными проектами, так и хитами, многие из которых даже сегодня остаются уникальными для это консоли. Некоторые гости, желающие сыграть в игры для Xbox 360, могут задать вопрос: зачем нужны игры для прошитых Xbox 360 freeboot либо различными версиями LT, если есть эмулятор? Рабочий эмулятор Xbox 360 хоть и существует, однако он просит производительного ПК, для покупки которого будет нужно вложить существенную сумму. К тому же, всевозможные артефакты в виде исчезающих текстур, недостатка некоторых графических эффектов и освещения - могут значительно попортить впечатления об игре и отбить желание для ее предстоящего прохождения. Что предлагает этот сайт? Наш сайт вполне приурочен к играм для приставки Xbox 360. У нас можно совершенно бесплатно и без регистрации скачать игры на Xbox 360 через торрент для следующих версий прошивок консоли: - FreeBoot; - LT 3.0; - LT 2.0; - LT 1.9. Каждая прошивка имеет свои особенности обхода встроенной защиты. Поэтому, для запуска той или другой игры потребуется загрузить специальную ее версию, которая на сто процентов адаптирована под одну из 4 перечисленных выше прошивок. На нашем интернет-сайте вы можете без усилий найти желаемый проект под подходящую прошивку, поскольку возле каждой игры находится заглавие версии (FreeBoot, LT 3.0/2.0/1.9), под которую она адаптирована. Гостям данного ресурса доступна особая категория игр для 360-го, предназначенных для Kinect - специального дополнения, которое считывает все движения 1-го или нескольких игроков, и позволяет управлять с помощью их компьютерными персонажами. Большой выбор ПО Не считая способности скачать игры на Xbox 360 Freeboot либо LT разных версий, тут можно найти программное обеспечение для консоли от Майкрософт: - разные версии Dashboard, которые позволяют кастомизировать интерфейс консоли под свои нужды, сделав его более комфортным и нынешним; - браузеры; - просмотрщики файлов; - сохранения для игр; - темы для консоли; - программы, для конвертации образов и записи их на диск. Кроме вышеперечисленного игры на Xbox 360 Freeboot вы можете запускать не с дисковых, а с USB и прочих носителей, используя программу x360key, которую вы можете достать на нашем сайте. Посетителям доступно множество полезных статей, а также форум, где вы можете пообщаться с единомышленниками либо попросить совета у более опытнейших владельцев консоли.

      37. Your car could be stolen if you don't remember this!

        Imagine that your vehicle was taken! When you visit the police, they inquire about a specific "VIN check"

        Describe a VIN decoder.

        Similar to a passport, the "VIN decoder" allows you to find out the date of the car's birth and the identity of its "parent" (manufacturing facility). You can also figure out:

        1.The type of engine

        2.Model of a vehicle

        3.The DMV's limitations

        4.The number of drivers in this vehicle

        The location of the car will be visible to you, and keeping in mind the code ensures your safety. The code can be checked in the database online. The VIN is situated on various parts of the car to make it harder for thieves to steal, such as the first person sitting on the floor, the frame (often in trucks and SUVs), the spar, and other areas.

        What if the VIN is intentionally harmed?

        There are numerous circumstances that can result in VIN damage, but failing to have one will have unpleasant repercussions because it is illegal to intentionally harm a VIN in order to avoid going to jail or calling the police. You could receive a fine of up to 80,000 rubles and spend two years in jail. You might be stopped on the road by a teacher.


        The VIN decoder may help to save your car from theft. But where can you check the car reality? This is why we exist– VIN decoders!
